Sample DNA Analysis Report

This is a sample report showing the detailed insights our Face DNA analysis provides.

DNA Analysis Results

Portrait Analysis Report

Our AI-powered analysis reveals fascinating insights about genetic traits and ancestry markers.

Kim Kardashian

Historical Ancestry Composition

Ancient Anatolians

30%Confidence: High

Some facial features show similarities to those common in ancient Anatolia.

Ancient Levantines

25%Confidence: High

There's a possible connection to ancient Levantine populations based on certain facial characteristics.

Ancient Iranians/Caucasus

45%Confidence: High

Facial structure suggests a potential link to ancient populations of Iran and the Caucasus.

Modern Day Population Matches


75%Confidence: High

The subject's facial features align strongly with those common in present-day Armenian populations.


15%Confidence: High

There's a significant overlap with the broader Iranian and Caucasian populations.

Levantine (Lebanese, Syrian, etc.)

10%Confidence: High

Some features are shared with populations in the Levant region.


Core Physical Features

The subject presents a heart-shaped facial structure, characterized by a wider forehead that gently tapers down to a defined, yet not overly sharp, jawline. Her cheekbones are prominent and high, contributing to the overall facial contour. The brow ridge is not particularly pronounced, exhibiting a smooth transition. Facial symmetry appears to be relatively high, with a balanced arrangement of features. While these traits can be observed across various ethnic groups, the combination is more frequently, though not exclusively, seen in individuals with Western Asian ancestry. The bone structure does not display an overly robust quality typical of some European groups, nor does it strongly suggest the epicanthic folds often seen in East Asian populations. The smooth brow and higher cheekbones could also hint at a Mediterranean influence. Her skin tone indicates a moderate level of melanin, consistent with populations experiencing regular, but not extreme, sun exposure.


Biogeographical Indicators

The subject's features align with those commonly found in the broader West Asian region, encompassing parts of the Middle East, and, notably, the area of Armenia. The combination of a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, and a well-defined, but not excessively angular, jawline is frequently observed in this area. These characteristics are likely a result of long-standing population settlement and adaptation to the specific, varied climates of those regions. This area ranges from Mediterranean coasts to mountainous terrains, leading to a diversity of sun exposure and corresponding adaptations. The observed moderate skin tone, combined with other features, suggests a historical adaptation to a climate with consistent but not overwhelming UV radiation. Armenians represent an ancient people who are indigenous to the Armenian Highlands, a region spanning eastern Turkey, Armenia, southern Georgia, western Azerbaijan, and northwestern Iran.


Anthropological Connections

Based on facial structure, the subject's ancestors might have been part of the ancient civilizations of the Caucasus and surrounding regions, such as the Kingdom of Urartu (9th-6th centuries BCE, centered around Lake Van in the Armenian Highlands). They were known for their metalworking and hydraulic engineering. Another possibility is connections to ancient Anatolian civilizations like the Hittites (c. 17th-12th centuries BCE, in present-day Turkey). The Hittites were a major Bronze Age power, known for their chariots and ironworking, who eventually dissolved into smaller, Syro-Hittite states. A third, but slightly less likely due to the subject's softer features, possible ancestral connection could lie with peoples related to the ancient Persian Empire (Achaemenid Empire, c. 550-330 BCE, vast empire from Anatolia and Egypt across western Asia to the Indus Valley). The First Persian Empire was a major empire in antiquity. These civilizations were complex societies with agriculture, animal husbandry, and various crafts. Traditional occupations would have included farming (wheat, barley), animal herding (sheep, goats), metalworking, pottery, and trade. Lifestyles were typically village-based, with strong kinship ties and communal living. The ultimate fates of these groups varied: Urartu was conquered and absorbed; the Hittite empire collapsed and fragmented; the Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great, with its people subsequently coming under the rule of many other powers.


Environmental Adaptations

The subject's skin tone indicates a moderate level of melanin, suggesting an adaptation to an environment with consistent sun exposure, but not the extremely high levels found closer to the equator. The distribution of pigmentation appears relatively even, without strong signs of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, implying a balanced adaptation to UV radiation. There are no obvious indicators of excessive sun damage, further supporting a history of effective adaptation, and the subject is wearing protective makeup.


Age Group

The subject appears to be in the young adult to adult age group, likely between 25 and 35 years old. The skin exhibits good elasticity, with minimal fine lines or wrinkles. The facial features are fully developed, and there's an absence of both the youthful roundness of adolescence and the more pronounced age-related changes seen in older individuals. The fullness of the lips and cheeks also suggests this age range.


Vision-Related Features

The subject has almond-shaped eyes with a well-defined upper eyelid crease. There is no epicanthic fold. The irises are dark brown, a common trait providing good protection against bright light. There are no immediately apparent signs of unusual light sensitivity, but darker irises generally offer better protection against intense sunlight.


Genetic Feature Combinations

The combination of features suggests a heritage that is primarily West Asian, but the possibility of some mixture cannot be excluded. The heart-shaped face and high cheekbones are common in this region. It is likely that both parents have primarily West Asian ancestry, specifically Armenian. It is possible that the mother may possess some very slight Southern European ancestry as well, but it is difficult to ascertain definitively. The subject's ancestry shows a degree of diversity consistent with the historical population movements and intermingling within the West Asian region, but a strong connection to a specific ancestral group (Armenian) is very likely.



The specific combination of features is not exceptionally rare but is distinctive. While individual features may be found in various populations, the overall presentation is noteworthy. Interestingly, the subject bears a resemblance to some depictions of Queen Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt (though Nefertiti's ancestry is debated, and the subject does not possess the narrow nose seen in busts of Nefertiti), particularly in the overall facial shape and high cheekbones. It should be emphasized that this is a superficial resemblance, and not an indicator of direct relation.


Historical Movement Patterns

The subject's features suggest a connection to the historical migration and settlement patterns within West Asia. Her features tie into historical population centers in Anatolia, the Caucasus, and the broader Middle East. This is a region with a long history of population movement, both within the area and along trade routes connecting it to Europe and Central Asia. Specifically, her ancestors may have followed ancient routes connecting Anatolia and the Caucasus. The subject's ancestors likely spoke languages from the Indo-European family, possibly including ancient forms of Armenian, or perhaps Anatolian languages like Hittite or Luwian, if her ancestors were from that region. If there's a connection to ancient Persia, they might have spoken early forms of Persian or related Iranian languages.


General Wellness Indicators

The subject's overall appearance suggests good general wellness. The clear skin, bright eyes, and healthy hair are all positive indicators. The even skin tone points to effective adaptation to her environment. The absence of visible signs of stress or fatigue suggests a generally healthy lifestyle and effective circadian rhythm. The well-defined facial features, without excessive adiposity, suggest reasonable fitness.


Interesting Unique Features

The most distinctive feature is the combination of the heart-shaped face with the very dark eyes and hair, contrasted with relatively fair skin for someone of West Asian ancestry. This juxtaposition creates a striking appearance. While not statistically uncommon, this particular blend of features is memorable.


Cultural Context Suggestions

The subject's features are most strongly associated with the cultural regions of West Asia, including the Caucasus (particularly Armenia), Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and parts of the Levant. These regions have been historical crossroads, home to numerous ancient civilizations and population centers. The facial structure is consistent with populations that have inhabited these areas for millennia, participating in the development of agriculture, early states, and complex societies.

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